Garage Door Screen Solution in Cape Coral, FL

A garage is commonly used for vehicle parking or storage for belongings. However, it can add to its original function as a work area or a living space. Converting a garage into an additional room requires a garage door screenHere is some information regarding how to choose the right garage door screen solution:


Kinds of garage door screens


Manual Sliding Garage Door Screen

The residential garage door screen is the most inexpensive and most traditional kind. This regularly has four panels that can be slid manually from one side to the other. Garages become more comfortable as they are instantly converted into living spaces because of a garage door screen installation.


LifeStyle Garage Door Screen

These different garage door screens are lifestyle screen solutionsThis newest kind is the in-thing among these door screens. It features lightweight fame that makes it easy to be slid up and down. This one-piece door screen has its own garage door style track. Putting the lifestyle garage door screen down allows people to have easier access in and out of the garage. This is a very flexible type of garage door screen as it allows homeowners to have easy access to going in and out without having to raise the entire screen up or down.


Motorized Garage Door Screen

The motorized garage door screen is state-of-the-art among the various types of garage door screens. Its design consists of two tracks on either side of the garage opening where the door screens slide up and down. After sliding, this rolls up into a metal tube that covers the screen while not in use. There are two ways where these motorized garage door screens can be mounted. The tube can be placed above the external opening or internally that permits for more headroom for the vehicle. Whatever the choice of the homeowner, they are outside the home expands because of the addition of a motorized garage door screen.


Choosing the right garage door screen for one’s home requires understanding the use and the different kinds of door screens. The different kinds of screen doors have their specific function that a person can choose from. If you need technical assistance in choosing your garage door screen, you may contact Action Automatic Door and Gate at the following:


Our service areas are Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Estero, Bonita Springs, Lehigh Acres, Marco Island, Naples, Port Charlotte, North Port, Punta Gorda, Venice and Sarasota.